Hello, I'm Luigi Monti - Pop Art Psy.

My name is Luigi Monti and I was born in Ancona​,​ Italy​,​ in 1971. Immediately after completing my artistic studies​,​ I took the opportunity for my first exhibition​,​ in December 1990​,​ at the "Ca' Bianca Club" in Milan. Various painting techniques tested: Acrylic​,​ collage and spray paint. For many years I have focused on and perfected the oil technique. In my artistic advancement​,​ I started with abstraction and then moved on to figurative art. During my artistic career I have created logos and covers for music CDs and I was also a cartoonist for the art and culture website ICREWPLAY. Many exhibitions have been held in Italy and abroad: Rep. Czech​,​ Switzerland​,​ Thailand​,​ Spain​,​ United States​,​ Croatia and England. Since 2018 I have devised a new branch of Pop Art​,​ combining the latter with the underground world of psychedelia​,​ which derives from the Rock musical genre and the protest and freedom movement of 68'. In this way Pop Art Psy was born.


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