Hello, I'm Abha.

I am a contemporary Indian artist​,​ living and working in Vietnam for more than a decade. I spent most of my life in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains among the stunning elements of nature. The remoteness of the location and distance from big cities curtailed me in interacting with other artists and galleries. However​,​ I kept my creativity alive by taking commissioned artworks over the years. In absence of a formalized training in the arts​,​ my deepest influence remains my German art teacher throughout my years in school in the University of Cambridge​,​ U.K. I gained confidence in drawing and composition as I drew and painted on sheets of paper and margins of notebooks from the age of three. Art never left me even if circumstances did their best to kill the creative side of me. Creativity remained my core expression​,​ and art and creative balance remained mentally embedded at all times. While growing up in a world without the Internet​,​ strong strokes​,​ composition​,​ and use of color were visually important to me. My artworks come in many images and forms​,​ and a variety of materials​,​ on paper and canvas. I work in various mediums of oil​,​ watercolor​,​ pencil drawing and textures. A self-taught artist like me looks for inspiration everywhere. Creativity goes through phases of anguish. You paint till you feel soul in your work…that’s when you sign your work​,​ knowing you have expressed all in your artwork. I have painted since I was three years of age….as I remember. This is what fulfills me. This is the core of my existence. When I paint​,​ the world is of little consequence. In your own creative world​,​ there is never a care…only when you step out do you see a world with people and all other wonders. Then there are those who view your work and have their own mind. Some see and feel. Some look. Some only glance. Because I have created from my deepest expression​,​ I hope someone will see and not just glance.

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