Hello, I'm @digitalartklementsen.

Graphic designer Morten Klementsen mainly uses digital production in his art. Since Klementsen has extensive experience from the advertising industry and is trained as a graphic designer from the MI advertising school​,​ he has a good knowledge of "the graphic laws"​,​ and can therefore also break some of these​,​ in order to create art. His strength in the world of art is primarily his well-developed skillsintuition. The artist is fond of colour​,​ and he likes to challenge his audience. Klementsen is selling his digital art on international online sales sites​,​ and is considered the "senior" in digital art. Klementsen was born in 1964 in Bergen​,​ he has a professional background as a founder and in sales and marketing. Morten grew up on Strilalandet in Leiknes in Osterfjorden​,​ near Bergen​,​ Norway. He is "popularly elected ombudsman"​,​ which is a title he likes better than Politician. Morten sits on the municipal council and in the Chairmanship in Alver municipality​,​ and is also elected to the County Council in Vestland. He is also a member of it The Business Committee and he also sits on the County Committee​,​ which corresponds to chairmanship.

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