Hello, I'm Sophia K.

#Nature and my innermost feelings inspire my work. My inspiration comes from my emotions and the nature. I love being outdoors and absorbing all the impressions around me. I observe the movement of clouds​,​ the ever-changing sea​,​ the vibrant colors​,​ tides​,​ surfers​,​ children playing​,​ and solitary individuals. While painting​,​ I process my own feelings​,​ sometimes melancholic​,​ sometimes angry​,​ and at other times full of vibrant colors and life. My approach is intuitive​,​ and I abstract more and more. The process varies​,​ often starting with observing the sea​,​ the clouds​,​ and the people. That's where I can feel emotions intensely. Sometimes it's loneliness​,​ sadness​,​ other times weightlessness​,​ joy. Of course​,​ I also take a lot of photographs​,​ paying attention to many details. Often​,​ I don't look directly at the sunset​,​ but stand with my back to it​,​ searching for changes in light and color. When I paint​,​ I spontaneously decide on the canvas size​,​ and I choose colors based on intuition. Sometimes I look at photos​,​ other times I have dreamed of an idea. The direction also changes during the painting process. I love having this freedom. The viewers should immerse themselves in the artwork and listen to their own emotions for a brief moment while contemplating it. As an emotional person​,​ painting serves as a form of therapy for me. When I am angry​,​ I paint​,​ and the same goes for when I am sad. It allows me to channel and express my emotions. [sophiakuehn.de](https://www.sophiakuehn.de)

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