Amor est ebrietas quae rationem semper conturbat.

L'amour est une ivresse qui trouble toujours la raison. Indulge yourself and let Deviant'Art guide you through a wide range of works that are as beautiful as they are unusual. Work available: 118,8 x 84 cm 46,77 x 33,07 Inch 600,30 $666,33 A4 +transport estimate. Available in other sizes. For further information, please contact Madame Elie Flohic. Community manager. Please contact me for technical information and specific dimensions. I only make custom paintings. Have a nice day. Thierry.

Artwork Style

  • Abstract
  • Digital Art | NFT
  • Figurative

Full Artwork Size

  • More than 1m50

Painting Technique

  • Collage | Digital

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