Be Yourself
The story of the painting is that as a child I was treated harshly and humiliating by a tyrannical father for giving me social anxiety, I was not allowed to be with women, no matter what I said or did it was not good enough and I get scared and quiet, and with people I was bullied for it, It was horrible, and I changed to say something and be funny, but was like the painting illustrate a living mask, it was hard because I was terribly scared, I got a severe depression later in life, and didn't understand my life, and got psychologist help, no one in my life has been loving and would tell me about it, If there was love then my life would have been better, I would be with women because it is fun and nice to kiss, hug and have sex, and be myself no matter who I was with, because I am sweet, loving and honest, therefore love is most important, showing with love symbol, to not be selfish, mean and decisive like my father, and can be yourself. I especially see men they have a living mask on, dishonest and not themselves, afraid of emotions and not being good enough, they want to seem cool and be decisive to fit in and not be minor, if they were sweet and loving they were not afraid of feelings and be minor, and do not want to be selfish, evil and decisive like my father, but it's better and cooler if they throw off their living mask and instead be honest, themself and show emotion. I have painted the insects because they are animals that do not have to live a hard-working life where everything must be so perfect, they live simply, in the moment and are themselves and are therefore less afraid, which is a way of life for living beings to feel good. Peace, Love & Harmony
Artwork Size & Ink Base:
Size: 51 x 43 cm.
Artwork Style
- Abstract
- Expressionism
Full Artwork Size
- Less than 50cm
Painting Technique
- Pastel
- Pencil
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Jasper Borup
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Be Yourself
Be Yourself